/// superMicro CMS

Updating superMicro CMS

Updating superMicro CMS is simple. Follow these instructions:

Backup before updating

Backup existing pages, comments and images before updating. If your server supports ZIP archiving, admin backup provides a utility to ZIP the files for download to your hard drive. Otherwise they can be backed up by downloading them via FTP.

(1) Download

Unzip the ZIP file supermicrocms.zip to your hard drive.

(2) Logout

If you haven't already, logout of admin.

(3) Upload

Upload all the folders and files inside the /admin/ folder.

Upload all the folders and files inside the /inc/ folder.

Upload all the files inside the /css/ folder, the /css-unminified/ folder, the /diagnostics/ folder, the /extras/ folder, the /fonts/ folder, the /img/ folder, the /js/ folder, the /uploads/ folder and the /video/ folder – all the files in every folder in fact.

Upload all the files located directly in the cms root folder.

Important: do not upload the folders themselves because those same folders already on the website contain the settings, menu, stylesheets, passwords etc, plus pages and images created so far.

If you have edited any of the inc/languages/ files or any of extra-body.php, extra-content.php, extra-head.php, tracking.php, or any other system file in the original download ZIP, don't upload the new ones. Otherwise upload every new file.

(4) Re-install and setup

When you have uploaded all the files, navigate to /admin/install.php and follow the same process as the original installation, including 'Submit setup'. You don't need to change the password (unless you want to) and won't lose any content, but backup first anyway.

(5) Update the style sheets

The default style sheets may have changed so go to /admin/pages and update both the main styles and the mobile styles (minified or unminified as required), then submit setup again.


Page last modified: 14 July, 2024