/// superMicro CMS


Setup is just a matter of pressing the 'Submit setup' button, but you might want to edit the standard texts before you do. They can be changed at any time – make the changes then submit setup again.

Setup follows installation, which sets the passwords and writes various files required for superMicro CMS to operate. If the script cannot write the required files (due to insufficient server permissions) then the process will proceed no further. If the files are written, a link to the setup page is displayed.

The admin/setup page is used to create the settings file. Until you have run 'install' and 'setup' the system will not work, so do that first.

On the setup page

'Enter as required' contains the following example texts:

  • Menu text for home page: Home Page
  • Name in footer: Josephine Bloggs
  • Alphabetical menu (YES/NO): YES
  • Debug menu (YES/NO): NO
  • Show recent visits (YES/NO): NO
  • Link colour (#FF0099): Any HEX colour
  • Email address (for contact page if enabled): mail@mydomain.com
  • Your name (for contact page if enabled): Josephine
  • Site name (My website): Text
  • .php it (YES/NO): NO
  • Light footer (YES/NO): NO

... and if you've uploaded e.php (optional contact page):

  • Contact page introductory text: This form etc...
  • Menu text for contact page (leave blank to hide contact page from menu): Contact

Edit the example text as required then select a font type and a language.

Click Submit setup. You should then see "Settings entered" in the green status bar at the top. superMicro CMS is now good to go.

The texts can be changed by entering new ones and clicking 'Submit setup' again. 'Reset form' restores the current texts and does not submit anything.

The file /inc/settings.php is crucial and relies on the text entered in admin/setup. Every effort has been made to filter 'bad characters' from corrupting the file but, as failsafe, the '/inc/' folder now has a text file named emergency-settings.txt which can easily be used to restore things by editing it manually and saving as /inc/settings.php, replacing a 'broken' one. Then Submit setup in admin and you should be up and running again.

Control spam

If spam is received via the contact page it can be controlled to a degree by using 'stopwords'. If a contact message contains a stopword it will not be sent. The setup page contains a link to stopwords where they can be entered.

Example stopwords (one per line):



Page last modified: 30 June, 2024