/// superMicro CMS

Standard text and languages

supermicro CMS displays standard English text in various places such as submit buttons. They can easily be edited in /inc/languages/en.php. Editing must be done carefully to preserve PHP syntax and use only HTML codes for foreign characters or an error will result. Make sure to keep within the speech marks.

French, German and Spanish have now been dropped.

To display correctly, characters in web pages should be available to the browser, normally from a system font installed on the user's computer or an external font, for example a Google web font.


Certain non-Latin (or Latin Extended) characters cannot be used in web page addresses (URLs). The URLs are created from the page title; so is the normal navigation menu text. But you can display non-Latin characters in the navigation menu by adding them in [square brackets] - see navigation menu anchor text »

The default encoding is UTF-8.


supermicro CMS uses Google fonts, either self-hosted or direct from Google Fonts. The default theme uses Ubuntu for page headings and Open Sans for everything else. See fonts and font styles »


Page last modified: 09 February, 2024