/// superMicro CMS

superMicro CMS changelog

Version 6.1: 29th August 2024. Admin 'styles' separated to its own admin page and no longer part of admin 'pages'.

The default home page is also simplified. Instead of 'html examples', the previous home page (with side-by-side image and text) is provided as an example page together with an example menu page.

Version 6.0: 26th August 2024. Revised file /admin/install.php (all relative file paths now absolute).

Version 6.0: 25th August 2024. Menu bar is no longer all capitalized (now first letters only).

Version 6.0: 20th August 2024. Now with site language options: English, French, German, Spanish. Selected in 'setup'. German example »

Version 5.9: 7th August 2024. Alternative page headings added.

Edits to style sheets to adjust box colours.

Version 5.9: 3rd August 2024. Extended structured data to include a JSON-LD structured data snippet (see structured data).

New files:

New folder: '/data/' containing 'index.php' and 'index.txt'.

Various edits to style sheets.

Version 5.8: 14th July 2024. Additional field in /admin/pages to add page description for Open Graph and 'meta' descriptions (see structured data on qwwwik.com).

Version 5.7: 10th July 2024. Undefined index error in /admin/extras when updating extras now corrected and button behaviour regularised.

Version 5.7: 9th July 2024. Styles edited to improve behaviour of side-by-side image and text »

Version 5.7: 8th July 2024. Option to add a Facebook 'Share' button to a page is now much simpler »

Version 5.7: 4th July 2024. Default home page redesigned using flexbox 1 side-by-side image and text with coloured 'sideband' option on wider screens.

Version 5.7: 3rd July 2024. Revised footer logo, Open Graph image, favicons and various other 'icon' images for social media (four square motif dropped for triple slash motif).

Includes further adjustment to navigation bar.

Version 5.7: 30th June 2024. Revised navigation bar is aligned left to accommodate more menu items and to clean things up a little.

HTML <pre> element deleted from style sheets (unlikely to be required by users).

Version 5.6: 29th June 2024. 'Accordion' option added.

Version 5.6: 25th June 2024. Style sheets edited to re-style the HTML <pre> element.

Miscellaneous file 'cleanups' (no functional effect).

Edit /admin/list.php to fix occasional undefined variable.

Version 5.6: 23rd June 2024. Preload fonts when 'hosted' fonts is selected in setup to avoid an occasional flash of unstyled text (FOUT) while content loads (/inc/top.php).

Version 5.6: 22nd June 2024. Larger screens (not mobiles): default navigation bar changed from dark to light and footer changed from light to dark (in style sheets default.css and default-minified.css). Option in setup to select any combination of dark or light navigation bar and dark or light footer.

Version 5.5: 20th June 2024. Option to validate the pages in the W3C HTML validator. Check for markup errors or warnings before publication. Preview a page, validate, correct, then unset validation for 'Add new page'.

Set and unset in 'admin/pages'. Always displayed in 'Preview page'.

'Page last modified' moved to bottom.

Changelog 20/06/24 onwards


Page last modified: 29 August, 2024